Learn About Whiplash Pain Relief With A Kent WA Chiropractor

By Sherwin Albao

It is hard to avoid suffering a whiplash injury after being hit from behind by another vehicle. The damage results from the head being initially thrown violently backward upon impact, then uncontrollably forward when the motion stops. These incidents are considered serious, and Kent chiropractic helps many victims find relief and recovery.

Whiplash is not a specific illness, but rather a description. Although commonly linked to traffic mishaps, it can occur while playing rough contact sports, or simply from sustaining a fall at home. The damage follows similar patterns, including torn neck ligaments and tendons as a result of rapid acceleration and an equally abrupt stop.

Most primary damage is localized in the upper spine. The sudden impact can rip apart softer tissues, but in some cases the vertebra may actually be thrown out of alignment, which can create serious pain issues long after tendons and muscles recover. In some cases, the interior nerves of the spinal cord become pinched or restricted.

The resulting chronic headaches, neck pain and spinal discomfort show improvement when the vertebra are returned to normal position. This is done on an out-patient basis in an office, and includes specific types of gentle, targeted adjustments performed by hand. It is often accompanied by special exercises, massage, and other strengthening practices.

Most chiropractors approach the human body holistically, seeing it as a unified group of biological systems rather than a grouping of independent organs. When one system is in trouble, the entire organism suffers. Instead of recommending taking more pain medication, exercise and improved nutrition are equally emphasized as part of the solution.

Chiropractors can make doctor referrals when necessary, but prefer to make long-lasting improvements in the health of their clients by encouraging a healthier lifestyle. In addition to addressing the immediate pain, they also recommend changes in personal habits, providing clients with programs and advice on improving diet and exercise.

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