Pool Gear That Is Ideal For Kids

By Carmella Watts

Some people need some guidance when putting their pools together with some great pool gear for a more enjoyable experience for their kids. There are so many things available nowadays to enhance the swimming experience for children. However, there are some important things to take into consideration when deciding what to choose.

Water fountains are such fun for the kids; they make swimming go from just moving up and down to maybe having an exciting water fight. Kids love to splash each other and have a great game in the water. These fountains are available in many different designs and will fit most swimming pools.

If you have a good shallow end, then a fountain that sprays down on you that the kids can run through might be a good option. However, if it is only one depth, the height of the fountain will not be that much above the water level. You will also have to make sure that the ground is not too slippery, so maybe some adhesive grip tapes would be a good option.

Making the lighting match the mood of the experience, or making that next get together with your friends an event to remember, is something to consider. There are plenty of options available; you could put the lights in the water or have them mounted above ground. They could run off power or off solar; the options are endless. Perhaps try the color changing options so you can have lights for every occasion.

Maybe you want to make the area fit into its natural environment. A lovely garden and stone water feature will then be very attractive. The water running down some slate, and making the great noise running water does, is very relaxing. Some disadvantages are to be remembered though when trying to create a natural environment. If a tree drops its leaves into the water, you will have to spend time scooping them out.

There are always smaller, cheaper options available, like dive sticks or floating boards. Taking the time to play with your children always makes it more enjoyable for them, so throwing dive rings or sticks and having them retrieve them, is a great way for adults to be involved without having to get into the water. Floating boards are a great device for helping children to learn to swim.

In this nice, relaxing and natural environment, with the beautiful waterfall and the sound of running water, you will need something on which to relax. There are many inflatable options available, and with the great bar that you put in, an armchair would be a nice way to enjoy those cool drinks while still on the water.

The best pool gear for children is sunscreen. Making sure it is good quality with high SPF gives children the best protection against the sun and its harmful rays. Getting them to wear hats and a t-shirt when they are outside, and making sure they reapply the sunscreen regularly, will prevent sunburns.

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