How To Burn Fat For Half A Day With 5 Minutes Of Exercise

By Russ Howe

What if there was a way to switch on the body's fat burning process for up to twelve hours following a gym session.. Would you use it?

Over the last twenty years, various methods have emerged within the fitness community that allow us to ramp up our body's natural fat burning abilities through our own training methods. Today we will be discussing one of said methods.

As you may have guessed, we are speaking of interval training!

Sometimes referred to as H.I.I.T. for short, this sprint based training method is a proven fat burning principle.

It involves performing maximal intensity work followed by brief periods of recovery, keeping the heart rate elevated while allowing momentary recovery to prevent burn out. There aren't many top athletes across the world who haven't yet adopted this protocol, as it essentially allows us to do more in the gym with less time.

But how do you, the average gym goer, take the rewards from a training method which was initially designed for top athletes?

In as little as five minutes you can build a metabolic charge within your body that puts you on fat burning overdrive for upto twelve hours following your training time. To many, that sounds too good to be true, however it is scientifically proven, with years of relevant studies conducted in the field.

It all comes down to performing brief energetic bursts, pushing our work rate through the roof, then allowing ourselves a brief period of respite before going hard once again. This simple system is repeated for time. That's it.

With interval training, even five to ten minutes is an effective workout!

In fact, studies show that interval training for as little as ten minutes is even more effective than performing regular aerobic work for an hour!

Think of HIIT as the cardio version of a weight training workout - you do a set, you recover, and repeat. So even if you don't have access to a treadmill or bike, you can still perform interval training. Body weight exercises are a good substitute.

Squats, push ups and other full body moves become very effective weapons in your fat burning arsenal.

By keeping up to date with the latest developments in the fitness world, almost any physique is 100% achievable. if it is possible to assemble a 5 minute fat loss workout which doesn't even require a gym, you should never struggle for weight loss results even in the most busy of schedules.

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